1 bridge of 3 villages was broken due to water flow in Kaukhali


1 bridge of 3 villages was broken due to water flow in Kaukhali

The bamboo bridge built over the Pangasiya Canal adjacent to Molla Bari of Sialkathi Union of Kaukhali Upazila is the only way for the three villages to travel.  The bridge was destroyed by the water flow and the communication system was cut off.  Thousands of people from both sides are in trouble, including students.

 Residents said that a part of the north side of the bridge broke due to the water flow.  Which is not possible without government help for repairs.

 Rafiqul Islam, a local businessman, said that this bridge has to be crossed at various important places including the Union Parishad.  Due to the collapse of the bridge, many roads have to be traveled at present.  People from both banks are now crossing by boat.  The people of the two sides of the bridge, namely Sialkathi North, Phalaibunia and Sialkathy South villages lamented that even though the concerned authorities have been approached repeatedly for a paved pool, the paved pool has not been constructed here.  The bamboo sakoti was done with the efforts and funding of the local people.

 In this regard, Sialkathi Union Parishad Chairman Delwar Hossain Sikder said that the bridge will be repaired soon and there is a plan to make a paved bridge over this canal.  The work will be started soon after getting the allotment.

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